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Bao giờ chúng tôi sẽ nấu chè chuối cho các bạn nhé! (Amanda: Rất EASY lah...)
To make the banana soup or chè chuối, we will need:
1. Cut the bananas into thick chunks. Make sure the fibres are removed!
2. Soak the banana chunks in water to keep them chunky while we prepare the rest of the soup.
3. Pour the coconut milk into a pot, add some water and keep it at medium heat. Stir occasionally.
Based on our experience:
1. Never cover the pot with a lid and leave the kitchen....
2. Watch the soup like a hawk...
4. Ensure that the pandan leaves are washed before placing a bunch inside the soup. It is advisable to tie a knot with the pandan leaves. Our group's record time for tying the leaves was 5 minutes :) To master the art of tying a knot with one hand, refer to the secret manual here
5. Add tablespoons of brown sugar and a pinch of salt.
6. Add sago seeds.
7. When the soup starts boiling, flick the banana chunks kungfu style.
8. When the soup starts to boil again, turn off heat and serve hot or cold.
9. Flick the tip of your nose à la Bruce Lee. (Minh Trí: Haiiyaaa....)
Minh Anh:
It was a totally new experience since I have never cooked/tasted Vietnamese food before. Plus, it was totally cool that there's actually a cooking project for a university module. The cooking was fun and easy to manage. We were among the first few groups to finish since it is quite easy to prepare the banana soup. The Vietnamese food was delicious and I loved the salad! Cám ơn các cô!
Minh Xuan:
Cám ơn các cô for organising such a fun cooking session. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know more about Vietnamese culture and food through cooking and eating the food that we cooked ourselves. I like Vietnamese food! :)
Minh Xuan:
Cám ơn các cô for organising such a fun cooking session. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know more about Vietnamese culture and food through cooking and eating the food that we cooked ourselves. I like Vietnamese food! :)
Minh Trí:
Having tasted đồ ăn Việt Nam ở Hà Nội, i was quite excited about the project as I had fond memories of some of the dishes of Việt Nam. However, i have to concede that Banana Soup was totally new to me and i have never done desserts for myself, let alone for 20 people! The moment Co Bich scolded us for bringing the whole tapioca rather than the sago seeds was testament to that! Nhưng chúng tôi rất vui và mình địng nấu chè chuối cho ....... bố mẹ mình tuần sau :)
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