Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Birthday Surprise for co Le 25/10/2010

Thắng: "Hey Chi, I just checked Facebook. Today is co Le's birthday leh!
So how? Wanna celebrate for her?"

Chi: "Today ar?! Hmm... so rush! Let's buy a piece of cheese cake,
make a card and sing a birthday song..."

Khuê: "Yea, we shall give her a surprise!
We switch off the light in the classroom and wait for her to come in ok!"

Our birthday card for her...

Fun and happiness are always around us.
It's up to us whether we want to open up our heart and accept them.

A simple gesture/ action of appreciation
can be a great motivation to a dedicated teacher.

Not to forget the fun you create in the classroom,
can make a huge difference in your learning process...

Chi, Thắng, Khuê
Vietnamese 3, AY2010/11 Semester 2

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