Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gỏi Cuốn Một

Chào các cô, Chào thầy, và Chào các bạn. Vào thứ bảy tuần trước, chúng tôi - em  Bình An,  Bình Đạt, Bích Diệu và Bích Anh gặp ở Bukit Panjang, nhà thầy Minh. 
Our group was tasked to prepare Gỏi Cuốn for lớp nấu ăn Việt. Upon waiting for the grand arrival of cô Bích, she động từ chúng tôi how to prepare this tradition Vietnamese dish - Gỏi Cuốn (Fresh Cold Salad Spring Roll). Her amazing creativity of using undesirable ingredient such as tomato skin, chilli, capsicum và cucumber and transforming them into attractive decoration for the various dishes left us in awe and motivated to get started with our very own version of Gỏi Cuốn!

Our Group (Gỏi Cuốn Một)

Bình An
When I arrived at nhà thầy Minh, I was surprised to see so many people there commencing on their lớp nấu ăn Việt. Finally our group settled down in a small room with 2 other groups. With 15 full-grown size people squeezing in a small room, I felt as though an innocent sardine in a can grasping for that last bit of air for survival. *Exaggerating* Nevertheless, it did not dampen our spirit! 
My group is the most efficient bunch, we got all our ingredients ready at home, which left us with the wrapping and decorating to be done there. Being a newbie when it comes to handling food, I must admit I made the ugliest Gỏi Cuốn among my fellow members. Thankfully, they were an understanding lot. I truly had a great time with them and the rest of the class.

Bình Đạt
Gỏi Cuốn was the simplest dish, but to make the perfect fresh springroll, one must indeed have delicate fingers. The rice papers were very fascinating to us because it turned soft immediately upon gently pouring water over them. One by one, we assembled the ingredients onto a round netting which cô Bích provided, and folded them into individual springrolls. The prawns simply made the whole dish look so pretty. 
When it came to the tasting part, cô Bích commented that we had added too little mint and basil leaves. The springrolls were not as flavourful without the herbs. We forgot to make a sauce to go with the springrolls but thankfully, cô Bích made her special concoction of hoisin sauce that made everything taste so delicious. Thanks to all các giáo viên for making this cooking project a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Bích Diệu
The thought of learning how to make an authentic Vietnamese dish has never crossed my mind. When cô told us that we are going to have this cooking project, I was really excited! Our group chose to make Gỏi Cuốn as it seems really interesting. On the day itself, we tried our best to produce the most fantastic and delicious Gỏi Cuốns and I think we did pretty well for our first tries. CHEERS!
I like to eat the Gỏi Cuốn when it is dipped with hoisin sauce! The rest of the Vietnamese food prepared by các cô các bạn was very good. After eating, các em rất vui! This experience of making our own Vietnamese dish will definitely stay with me even after graduation! 

Bích Anh
I was really excited about the cooking project albeit having to wake up so early on thứ bảy! *Yawn!!* Nevertheless, it was really a one of a kind experience with the cosy environment with saliva and feet flying across dishes *joking*! We all had a go in Gỏi Cuốn making, and I must say, I definitely am one of the better đầu bếp in our group.
Having seen what all the other groups are capable of making, we are most certainly a cohort of culinary potential!

Our Final Product!

Everything else... :)

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