Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our post =D

Xin chào càc bạn

Mình tên là Quỳnh Thu . Tên tiếng Anh của mình là Jia Yen. Mình là sinh viên năm thứ hai trường ở Đại Học Quốc Gia Singapo. Mình học ngành sinh học. Sau khi tốt nghiệp, mình muốn đi học thêm ở Mỹ hoặc Đức Hiện nay, mình mười chín tưổi.

My experience.

Till present, I have yet travelled to Vietnam. However, I do have some knowledge about the Vietnamese cuisine thanks to Duyên; the only Vietnamese friend that I have since secondary school. We share a common hobby: to source for good Vietnamese cuisines. As a result, I do know a lot of the places in Singapore that sell authentic and delicious Vietnamese delicacies, with a range of prices. Recently, Duyên and I had just found a place that sells Vietnamese dishes at an affordable price. The restaurant is called ‘ Ythu Wendy’s Vietnam Restaurant’ that is located near town area. If you have the time, do drop by and try out the food (especially Khoai Mì Hấp với Nước Dứa- Steam tapioca with Coconut sauce- it is fingers licking good)
 The photo below is Duyên.

Xin chào càc bạn

Mình tên là Quỳnh Lam.
Tên tiếng Anh của Mình là Deirdre. Mình cũng là sinh viên năm thứ hai. Mình học ngành sinh học. Sau khi tốt nghiệp, mình muốn giáo viên dạy môt trường. Hiện nay, mình mười chín tưổi.

My experience:
I have never been to Vietnam before. It didn’t occur to me as much of an attraction as compared to the other countries such as Thailand, Korea or Japan. Vietnam has always seemed to me as an undeveloped country with few attractions. The most I have heard about of Vietnam was just Ho Chin Minh City. However, I have tried before Vietnamese food in Singapore and they really taste wonderful. Although I have not tried their main dishes such as Vietnamese famous beef noodles (phở bò) and another type of noodle (mỳ Quảng), I have managed to try the Vietnamese spring rolls (gỏi cuốn) at some restaurant. It was simply delicious whereby it is covered with a transparent wrapping with vegetable and prawn meat in it! After learning more about Vietnam in this module, I would definitely want to explore all the beautiful places in Vietnam and try all their authentic special food!

For the tour presentation, my group has chosen Da Nang to be our topic. The main reason for choosing Da Nang as our project was because it is Duy ên’s hometown. Duy ên was able to share with us about Da Nang’s attraction – a much reliable source as compared to internet. Also Da Nang itself is the largest city in central Vietnam ( Miền Trung). Although Danang is very close to Hoi An, it doesn’t share the  same ancient traditional atmosphere that was preserved in Hoi An.  Da nang is more of a tourist attraction if tourist are interested to go for a relaxing trip as it has a few of the most serene and divine beaches in Vietnam.

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